
“Dogs are our link to paradise. They don’t know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring–it was peace.”
Milan Kundera

Beauregard GoldenBear III

Beauregard GoldenBear III

Hi! My name is Kip and I suppose this is the place to tell you a little bit about myself. I am a mother (and a recent grandmother!), retired educator, writer and photographer. I hold several degrees, credentials and certificates, I am published in both print and media,(yaddy yadda yadda). In other words, I have been at this thing called life for a long time and I have learned a few things along the way. I have done much in my life, yet I was never so humbled as when I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and had to admit (and accept) that I was disabled. Interestingly enough it was through that acceptance that I finally found purpose and peace. I learned to trust, not to sweat the small stuff and, even more importantly to enjoy the journey. This revelation, this change of focus, this “ah ha” was only actualized because of two seemingly unrelated events; being diagnosed with a disability and being paired with an amazing dog, Beauregard Goldenbear III (pictured above).

Writing a blog is a heady experience, there are so many decisions to be made (the look and feel, the navigation, what to include or exclude, etc.). For me it is a bit daunting as well. I don’t like talking about myself – no I’m serious –  I am not comfortable going on and on about myself, my feelings, what I’ve had for dinner (you get the picture) yet I felt compelled to document my experiences and those human/dog teams I have met on this journey.

This blog is dedicated to us – the autistic child, the soldier returning with PTSD, the mother with Lupus, the husband with seizures, the photographer with MS and many more. It is also dedicated to the angels who walk among us, to those who have devoted their lives to dogs whether it is to rescue, rehabilitate, train, or to home them in order to better the lives of others. Without you there would be no story to tell…

Most importantly this work is dedicated to that furry four legged soul that has walked by my side as I have come to grips with both victories and defeats. Who stood by me when I was afraid, whose antics have brought laughter and joy into my life; whose constant presence and never-ending companionship has taught me to live in the now – this is for you Beauregard Goldenbear III – you wonderful mook! I so often see my reflection in your eyes, you are always watching, your protective ever vigilant and tireless presence has been my source of strength and has allowed me to feel safe, even for just a few moments. I can’t ever thank you enough, there are no words…there never are with dogs, but we humans try anyway.

Me reflected in Beau’s eyes

A quick note: the images you see throughout this blog are mine unless I have cited another photographer.